Happy new year everybody and god bless! I hope that all your wishes come true and that you will be healthy and happy.
To be honest, quite a lot of things happened in 2007. First, it's my transfer from MI to SP.
Honestly, i was near depression duing that period of time before i decide to go to SP. I guess it's therealization of who I am and my flaws. But i dd somehow have a "new life" when i came to SP. I didn't regret withdrawing from MI, not at all.
Quitting the school is quite risky especially when i do not have a place in poly to go. But, thanks God that I really did got in. Anyway, it's not because i regretted joining MI, NEVER. I just don't fit in there. I am thankful for being in there. It's like a wake up call.
I guess i did change a bit. But i think it's not enough. I mean I don't want to change my entire self, i just want to be able to THINK for myself. instead of depending on the others.
It's not bad or anything, but i believe it's good to be independent. Because the one who can truly affect the future is myself. BUT! haha... it's easier said than done. But still, i really aprreciate my friends who are always there for me, giving me advice and tolerating my nonsense. I really appreciate it alot!^^
Anyway, I had some relationship problems this year. It's not surprising but it does hurts. It's somehow predicted by my feeling i guess. But after talking it out and compromising and finding ways to solve it, it's much better.
Then my grandmas had passed on. Not one but two, on both sides. Honestlt, i was scared when i first experience mama's (my dad's side) funeral. Guess i had not been to a funeral for a very long time. The second time, it's not too bad. But it's still sad. Reall sad. Both of them cared for me, both of them really loved me. My aunt told me about m grandma on dad's side. She always talked about me. Always smiled when i visit her. Haha... I can still remember how she would sit by my side while i draw. then there por por (my mom's side. she always cared for me when my parents are not home. Pet me to sleep when i got out of bed at night when i am yound. I guess i am closer to her because i get to see her often. I really cried a lot when she died. But I know boh of them are happy and resting.^^
Also, there's my first year in Interior Design. Hundreds of sleepless nights and late nights, working working working. There's frustration, I was tired and grumpy. But a brand new experience. I felt that i can appreciate art. I really want to be like i was in the beginning, eaer to learn, full of passion. So much fun. But at the 2nd semester, i wasa zombie for 2-4 months i think. But to be honest, I think i didn't feel depressed throughout the thing. I can still smile, i can still laugh, i don't have to cheer myself up every night. Also, i was too tired and busy to be depressed a thing. Took me two weeks away from the project to become myself again.
I learnt about psychology too! It's really fun! But to be honest, the information in the book is so elementary. Wish there's more. But yeah, i guess i did change a little. But it's progress!^^ Let it continue.
My resolution is to manage my time,lose weight and believe in myself. I think.
Anyway, Happy new year to you people out there. God bless and may your wishes come true!