Tuesday, April 24, 2007

red paint

Man... Am I shagged... came back at 10pm. Hahaha... actually today is quite zany. The lecturers gave us a task and that is to paint without thinking. So, full of zest, everyone went painting, splinkling, splashing and splating around onto a huge canvas (actually it's just newspaper on the floor). Some took the delight of painting not only the canvas, but another type of canvas as well also known as the human skin. And then someone full of zest, created a zany act and yup, the paint had became a trade mark. You know, I learnt something today, if you know that you are painting the next day, NEVER do medicure. It will just make you cry.

Want to know why am I using the words that have a Z more often today? That is because it is the word of the day.

Anyway, Tekuando is tough, It's quite fun actually. But I think I am going to have cramps the next day.... Can't believe I did back trust and 360 degrees kick all in the same day.. It's my first time... Oh well.. that's about it. Nice zany day..

God bless! mata ja!

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