Sunday, September 23, 2007

last day of holiday

Yes, I am feeling the back to school blues. The jazz music doesn't really help either. It just makes me feel more blue.

Nothing much happnened today. My family and I went to church for my grandma birthday. She pass away a few months ago. But we know that she is happy. I remembered the dream of her saying goodbye. She was just standing there, smiling and waving goodbye with an umbrella. My dad said the imbrella is used to protect them.I Love my grandma.

Then we went for lunch and had a good chinese lunch. My favorite dishes will probably be the tofu and the abalone soup.^^ Then after that I went for a haircut. To be honest, I feel weird! It is like a different kind of hairstyle. Oh well... Have to wait for it to grow out.

Later, my mom and I watched the movie, coach carter. It's really inspiring. It's all about a coach teachng teenagers about doing something more about their lives. Really really cool! I had not seen such a coach before or have yet to see one. But anyway the movie is really good.

Here is a little preview:

yup! It is really cool! That's about it today^^.

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