I notice after i work, there's a feeling that i have changed or matured. I don't know. But i know it is something big. I don't feel myself right now, I don't feel like i m talking like how i m used to be. I think Alvin can also feel the same.
It's darn weird and I don't know why. But i don't like the feeling. It's not the feeling of acheivement, it's the feeling of something's wrong here. My heart feels as though it's crying and missing someone and my brain is thrown somewhere that it feels disoriented now. Or maybe... because of tha martinin i drank yesterday.
I don't what's up with me, but i think i shall go figure it out pretty soon and solve whatever problem there seems to be popping up>.<.
But anyway, I really thank god for everything. He gave me so much. So much more than anyone. Gave me so much love and was with me throughout the entire life. I wonder what the future holds for me. But i know God is behind me all th way.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Drink. Talk. Relax
WHOOHOO!!!! yesterday was my last day of wirk!!!!! it feels so good! WHOOHOOO!!
Yeah.. but anyway, went out in the evening with Darren. Yay! i bought a bangle and a black dress at far east plaza!^^ Love the dress!! Don't think i will spend that much on clothes since i got what i wanted. The chicken rice at far east plaza is also really good!! plus one more bonus point! it's cheap!^^
Also had to dress up today. I jus feel more comfy to wear smart casual in a pub rather than jus shirt and jeans. Not too bad^^! Also went to see the opera gallery. Learnt a lot of things about art! Thanks to Darren! Look through some art stuff. I f i were to say which is my fav... hmmm.. it will be the painting of the reflections on the water. I want to learn more!!
I drank Matini with him and chat through the night. Listened to a filipino band. The spring rolls are good and the interior is nice^^! love it!^^
ANyway, Here's some of the pics^^!

Drinks: appletino (darren), lycheetini(mine)
That's abt it 4 today^^! cya^^!
Yeah.. but anyway, went out in the evening with Darren. Yay! i bought a bangle and a black dress at far east plaza!^^ Love the dress!! Don't think i will spend that much on clothes since i got what i wanted. The chicken rice at far east plaza is also really good!! plus one more bonus point! it's cheap!^^
Also had to dress up today. I jus feel more comfy to wear smart casual in a pub rather than jus shirt and jeans. Not too bad^^! Also went to see the opera gallery. Learnt a lot of things about art! Thanks to Darren! Look through some art stuff. I f i were to say which is my fav... hmmm.. it will be the painting of the reflections on the water. I want to learn more!!
I drank Matini with him and chat through the night. Listened to a filipino band. The spring rolls are good and the interior is nice^^! love it!^^
ANyway, Here's some of the pics^^!
Drinks: appletino (darren), lycheetini(mine)
That's abt it 4 today^^! cya^^!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The lady
To the lady,
of fa la so,
thy heart has gathered thyself,
my gracious has become stronger,
your tears, the pleasing ointment nutured the seed,
thy tree had grown,
but it will keep growing,
fear not for it's change
my dear,scare for not,
for thy hope is there,
the future will change,
good or bad,
hold on and see,
because thy hope is there,
for you to see the beauty.
of fa la so,
thy heart has gathered thyself,
my gracious has become stronger,
your tears, the pleasing ointment nutured the seed,
thy tree had grown,
but it will keep growing,
fear not for it's change
my dear,scare for not,
for thy hope is there,
the future will change,
good or bad,
hold on and see,
because thy hope is there,
for you to see the beauty.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tuesday with Morris
If there's one book that makes tears in my eyes, it's tuesday with Morries. At first reading the book left many questions in my mind and I really admire the man named Moorris. He's a compassionate old guy who will joke and laugh even if he was in his death bed.
But there's always these messages repeting and always repeating. Looks, money, materials and jobs, are they eally important? Or are the relationships between people more important. There are always times where people (including myself) take relationships for granted.
Until when it's the time on our death beds where we start to regret. But what Morris said that once u accept death, u start grasping important things in your life.
That book has so many philisopies until my head got buried in the book and i m now slowly digging my way out. But it held so many things so true.
Such a small book left so many questions in me. But while i was running to get my head clear again, I find that instead of wanting to be someone like Morris, I will lead my own life and my own way. While his view of life is really remarkable and i really admire it a lot, but i wan to do things my own way but for the same thing, to look at the most important things of your life.
hee hee^^! i must be a sap but it's a good sap^^!!! oh well... my mind is still cluded by it but it's really meaningful^^!
Got to go and scoop eleanors mind up before she goes HUH? again. cya!
But there's always these messages repeting and always repeating. Looks, money, materials and jobs, are they eally important? Or are the relationships between people more important. There are always times where people (including myself) take relationships for granted.
Until when it's the time on our death beds where we start to regret. But what Morris said that once u accept death, u start grasping important things in your life.
That book has so many philisopies until my head got buried in the book and i m now slowly digging my way out. But it held so many things so true.
Such a small book left so many questions in me. But while i was running to get my head clear again, I find that instead of wanting to be someone like Morris, I will lead my own life and my own way. While his view of life is really remarkable and i really admire it a lot, but i wan to do things my own way but for the same thing, to look at the most important things of your life.
hee hee^^! i must be a sap but it's a good sap^^!!! oh well... my mind is still cluded by it but it's really meaningful^^!
Got to go and scoop eleanors mind up before she goes HUH? again. cya!
Friday, March 21, 2008
my special story
In tribute of winning the fat dream contest's consolation prize. I m once again posting my story in this blog^^!
Good day to you all. I am rocky 911. Do not mind my poor appearance of an old ragged soft toy or my strange name. Perhaps I am still cute in your eyes like what a teddy bear is meant to be. But today, I am not going to talk about myself but instead, of this young lad whom I found rather fascinating. He got me when he was a mere four or five years old and I became his best buddy. That young boy was named Jack.
You see, Jack was not really good looking and neither was he really thin. He was rather plump really and had such a queer attitude. No doubt he got his nickname, “The Fat Weirdo”. He had strange little speeches like wanting to dream fat. Usually people would say they would want to dream big. However, in his case, he wanted to dream fat. I was thinking that he should be saying that he had a fat dream. Many people told him that. His parents, his teachers and his taunting classmates corrected him many times. Why would he shake his head so vigorously and say “NO!”?
Then later, I would hear him muttering, “They don’t understand.” Maybe it was because he loved to eat. I did not really understand what he meant by dreaming fat until he explained them to me. However, he told me to keep it a secret which I had kept until now. So what was his fat dream? He wanted to become someone people could believe in, like Oprah Winfrey. It could be any job, a chef, an actor, anything. So why did he say “I want to dream fat” and not “big”? We should see this in the later part of my telling.
I saw Jack grow up. Not really alone, he had a few precious friends who understood him. I saw him slowly eating the pain of being called an underdog and a useless brat. I saw him eating away rather deliciously over the good times he had. I saw Jack slowly cooking a plot and ate that plot to see if it really tasted good. Many times he would wince painfully and swallow rather reluctantly or he would rub his stomach and lick his lips. I saw him tried new recipes of many different styles like gardening or sewing. Basically, anything he could get his hands on. Sometimes I had seen him trim down sadly and sometimes I had seen him getting fatter, full of pride. But after all those times of eating, I had seen him go higher and higher up the ladder of success, refusing to give up in every step he made. When at last he found what he wanted to do, I saw him swell not with pride but the happiness of all those times. Jack became a chef who cooked wondrous meals for the rich and gave nutritious food for the poor. Maybe he could not make a large scale of people believe in him immediately, but slowly and surely, he would with every bite that he took.
I remember how he explained to me about dreaming fat. You see, dreaming big could have some errors in it. A dream may seem to be big on the outside but has nothing inside. Having a fat dream did not really mean you will accomplish it. It was just like having a fat dream. However, to dream fat, there is substance in it. Everything that you had gone through, everything that you took in is what makes you today. When Jack said that he wanted to dream fat, it was because he wanted the dream to come true. Strange isn’t it? That such a small child that he was had thought about it that way.
There was a girlfriend that Jack brought over one day. She brought a little friend along. That friend was a cute little soft toy bunny called Chaddy. She was really a nice sweet gentle creature. Chaddy asked me once,” Jack is a really nice guy, but don’t you think he is a little fat?”
And I replied to the very confused bunny,” Nah… His dream is fatter.”
I hope you like it^^!
Good day to you all. I am rocky 911. Do not mind my poor appearance of an old ragged soft toy or my strange name. Perhaps I am still cute in your eyes like what a teddy bear is meant to be. But today, I am not going to talk about myself but instead, of this young lad whom I found rather fascinating. He got me when he was a mere four or five years old and I became his best buddy. That young boy was named Jack.
You see, Jack was not really good looking and neither was he really thin. He was rather plump really and had such a queer attitude. No doubt he got his nickname, “The Fat Weirdo”. He had strange little speeches like wanting to dream fat. Usually people would say they would want to dream big. However, in his case, he wanted to dream fat. I was thinking that he should be saying that he had a fat dream. Many people told him that. His parents, his teachers and his taunting classmates corrected him many times. Why would he shake his head so vigorously and say “NO!”?
Then later, I would hear him muttering, “They don’t understand.” Maybe it was because he loved to eat. I did not really understand what he meant by dreaming fat until he explained them to me. However, he told me to keep it a secret which I had kept until now. So what was his fat dream? He wanted to become someone people could believe in, like Oprah Winfrey. It could be any job, a chef, an actor, anything. So why did he say “I want to dream fat” and not “big”? We should see this in the later part of my telling.
I saw Jack grow up. Not really alone, he had a few precious friends who understood him. I saw him slowly eating the pain of being called an underdog and a useless brat. I saw him eating away rather deliciously over the good times he had. I saw Jack slowly cooking a plot and ate that plot to see if it really tasted good. Many times he would wince painfully and swallow rather reluctantly or he would rub his stomach and lick his lips. I saw him tried new recipes of many different styles like gardening or sewing. Basically, anything he could get his hands on. Sometimes I had seen him trim down sadly and sometimes I had seen him getting fatter, full of pride. But after all those times of eating, I had seen him go higher and higher up the ladder of success, refusing to give up in every step he made. When at last he found what he wanted to do, I saw him swell not with pride but the happiness of all those times. Jack became a chef who cooked wondrous meals for the rich and gave nutritious food for the poor. Maybe he could not make a large scale of people believe in him immediately, but slowly and surely, he would with every bite that he took.
I remember how he explained to me about dreaming fat. You see, dreaming big could have some errors in it. A dream may seem to be big on the outside but has nothing inside. Having a fat dream did not really mean you will accomplish it. It was just like having a fat dream. However, to dream fat, there is substance in it. Everything that you had gone through, everything that you took in is what makes you today. When Jack said that he wanted to dream fat, it was because he wanted the dream to come true. Strange isn’t it? That such a small child that he was had thought about it that way.
There was a girlfriend that Jack brought over one day. She brought a little friend along. That friend was a cute little soft toy bunny called Chaddy. She was really a nice sweet gentle creature. Chaddy asked me once,” Jack is a really nice guy, but don’t you think he is a little fat?”
And I replied to the very confused bunny,” Nah… His dream is fatter.”
I hope you like it^^!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Really bored now so listened to some music. If you ask me what moment i have been thinking of, it will be just listening to a song, sit by the window,drinking milo or hot chocolate. Today is not bad. Went to have lunch with my relatives. How strange. Why is it everytime when i want to connect myself to my cousins they are not there?
Hahaha... but oh well! hahahaha! next time, I will try even harder to connect with them and overcome my shyness^^!
Btw, i just cut my hair. It looks cute and quite fresh! Not too bad! I liiiike! I don't know why the sudden change of mindset, maybe it's the feeling of wanting to try something new but I feel like highlighting my hair. But the thing is I spent a lot of effort making my hair lustous black, wouldn't it be a waste to just highlight them? Argh! Wishy-washy! I will probably wash away the decision again when the time comes!
yeah! But i feel bored now! gotta look for sth fun before work starts tmw-.-...
Hahaha... but oh well! hahahaha! next time, I will try even harder to connect with them and overcome my shyness^^!
Btw, i just cut my hair. It looks cute and quite fresh! Not too bad! I liiiike! I don't know why the sudden change of mindset, maybe it's the feeling of wanting to try something new but I feel like highlighting my hair. But the thing is I spent a lot of effort making my hair lustous black, wouldn't it be a waste to just highlight them? Argh! Wishy-washy! I will probably wash away the decision again when the time comes!
yeah! But i feel bored now! gotta look for sth fun before work starts tmw-.-...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Do yu know wad's the most amazing thing for tonight?
I won a consolation priza for a writing competition. But ok la. Actually i enjoy writing it more than wanting a prize for it. I really like the stories i created. But yes, thanks god sooo much! i m happy!!! but i guess i learn that maybe things shouldn't be taken so seriously and we ought to have fun in the things we want to do.
It's always the process that count because it gives so much than a prize can give you. So from now on, i will try! i will enjoy the things i do and do my best! Eleanor jia you! I shall enjoy the process and learn and learn and learn!
I won a consolation priza for a writing competition. But ok la. Actually i enjoy writing it more than wanting a prize for it. I really like the stories i created. But yes, thanks god sooo much! i m happy!!! but i guess i learn that maybe things shouldn't be taken so seriously and we ought to have fun in the things we want to do.
It's always the process that count because it gives so much than a prize can give you. So from now on, i will try! i will enjoy the things i do and do my best! Eleanor jia you! I shall enjoy the process and learn and learn and learn!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I finally went out with Chong Yun, Jack and Alvin today! Finally!!! i have been waiting for this day like forever. We had a great time today! he's not moody or sian or wadsoever. I really hope we can do this often. I miss them all so much. Especially going out with Chong Yun.
You know the sad thing is as time pass and as we walk different paths, we form our own lives. We have new friends and sometimes we do not think much about the old ones. That's including me. But to be honest, all of us need friends no matter what. We just want someone out there to accept us. And i really appreciate all the friends i have out there. I may have my own life but I must remember for those who are closest to me and those who are willing to go through thick and thin with me.
Anyway, we played pool and bowling today. I think my friends have noticed it, somehow I am better today. Maybe somehow i learn not to be so worked up and excited and just play like what play should be. I seem totally relaxed today. I wasn't nervous or anything but i guess i was just being myself. Sorry i seem so tired!! My fault! Shouldn't have slept late yesterday. But also I prefer to be calm today la. Being hyper is good but i just want to be myself today. really!
But today is quite a fun day and i m really happy^^!
You know the sad thing is as time pass and as we walk different paths, we form our own lives. We have new friends and sometimes we do not think much about the old ones. That's including me. But to be honest, all of us need friends no matter what. We just want someone out there to accept us. And i really appreciate all the friends i have out there. I may have my own life but I must remember for those who are closest to me and those who are willing to go through thick and thin with me.
Anyway, we played pool and bowling today. I think my friends have noticed it, somehow I am better today. Maybe somehow i learn not to be so worked up and excited and just play like what play should be. I seem totally relaxed today. I wasn't nervous or anything but i guess i was just being myself. Sorry i seem so tired!! My fault! Shouldn't have slept late yesterday. But also I prefer to be calm today la. Being hyper is good but i just want to be myself today. really!
But today is quite a fun day and i m really happy^^!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
uneventful last min day
Today had my computer fixed FINALLY! XD Takes me sooooo long to fix this com until it feels so weird to even sit in front of the com. The untoched mouse also became really unfamiliar too. grrr grrrr... remind me to get a better one next time.
Anyway, aside from that, went out for dinner with a MI friend ,George today. He changed a lot. I mean ic annot recognise him liao! but overall it was quite ok. He had to go off pretty soon though. But ok la, he's nice enough to treat me.^^
A lot of things is last min!>.< but it's quite ok i guess. At least i dun go panick and freaky.
That's abt it^^!
Anyway, aside from that, went out for dinner with a MI friend ,George today. He changed a lot. I mean ic annot recognise him liao! but overall it was quite ok. He had to go off pretty soon though. But ok la, he's nice enough to treat me.^^
A lot of things is last min!>.< but it's quite ok i guess. At least i dun go panick and freaky.
That's abt it^^!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
emotion test
Copy, Paste, Don’t look at the bottom
before you do the thing or it won’t
This is scary but pretty accurate.
1. Which colour is better red, black,
green, blue, or yellow?
green!^^ I like trees!
2. What’s your first initial?
E (duh!)
3. What month is your birthday?
4. Which colour do you like more, black
or white?
Neither, i m not emo nor m i blank.
5. Name one of your friends..
which one? there's so many! let's just pick one. Alvin
6. Your favorite number?
7. Do you like flying or driving more?
R u kidding?? of cuz flying!!
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean
Lake! ocean is not too bad though!
9. Think of a wish, but don’t write it
- .........
1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is
full of love.
Black: You are conservative and
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you
are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down.
Yellow - you are a very happy person..
2. If you’re initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to
S-Z: You like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally
April-June: You will have a strong
love relationship that will last
July-Sept: You will have a great year
and will experience a major life-
changing experience for the good.*
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great,
and eventually you will find your soul
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take you on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the
White: You will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would
do anything for you, but you may not
realize it.
5. This person is most important to you
6. If it is:
1-50 you are a very lovable person and
you have a great life*
more then 50 is nothing
7. If you chose:
Flying - You like adventure.
Driving - You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake - You are loyal to your friends,
your lover, and yourself. You are very
reserved and not emotional.
Ocean - You are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.
9. This wish will come true only if
you repost this with the title:
Emotion Test. don't cheat
I was bored so i tried this quiz. it's not that accurate but it was ok^^!!
before you do the thing or it won’t
This is scary but pretty accurate.
1. Which colour is better red, black,
green, blue, or yellow?
green!^^ I like trees!
2. What’s your first initial?
E (duh!)
3. What month is your birthday?
4. Which colour do you like more, black
or white?
Neither, i m not emo nor m i blank.
5. Name one of your friends..
which one? there's so many! let's just pick one. Alvin
6. Your favorite number?
7. Do you like flying or driving more?
R u kidding?? of cuz flying!!
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean
Lake! ocean is not too bad though!
9. Think of a wish, but don’t write it
- .........
1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is
full of love.
Black: You are conservative and
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you
are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down.
Yellow - you are a very happy person..
2. If you’re initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to
S-Z: You like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally
April-June: You will have a strong
love relationship that will last
July-Sept: You will have a great year
and will experience a major life-
changing experience for the good.*
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great,
and eventually you will find your soul
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take you on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the
White: You will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would
do anything for you, but you may not
realize it.
5. This person is most important to you
6. If it is:
1-50 you are a very lovable person and
you have a great life*
more then 50 is nothing
7. If you chose:
Flying - You like adventure.
Driving - You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake - You are loyal to your friends,
your lover, and yourself. You are very
reserved and not emotional.
Ocean - You are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.
9. This wish will come true only if
you repost this with the title:
Emotion Test. don't cheat
I was bored so i tried this quiz. it's not that accurate but it was ok^^!!
Monday, March 03, 2008
TKD competition 2^^
i was too tired to post yesterday so i decided to write everything down today.
Yesterday, the matches were really exciting and somehow it spur me on to go and fight too.The killing aura was really uite strong in myself. I really felt it and when i turn to look at my friend, he jerked!!!! HAhahaha.... pretty cool! But while everybody did their best, there's alwways the need for improvement. I am not saying just them, but myself too!
Overall, we had 2 bronze, 2 gold and 2 silver.
Then later after that, everyone sat down and taled about our feelings. It's nothing mushy or whatsoever. It's like just saying out our thoughts and what we should do. After hearing everyone talk and my senior's comments, I made a few promises to myself. And I feel it's a not bad idea to actually listen to a straight forward comment.
The thing is I am not going to say anything here except maybe, JA YOU. As for the promises, no point saying it. When I really make them, i will indicate them here. i wan to be the best as i can as a person!! WO MEN DOU JIA YOU!!!! WE WILL SEE!!!!
Yesterday, the matches were really exciting and somehow it spur me on to go and fight too.The killing aura was really uite strong in myself. I really felt it and when i turn to look at my friend, he jerked!!!! HAhahaha.... pretty cool! But while everybody did their best, there's alwways the need for improvement. I am not saying just them, but myself too!
Overall, we had 2 bronze, 2 gold and 2 silver.
Then later after that, everyone sat down and taled about our feelings. It's nothing mushy or whatsoever. It's like just saying out our thoughts and what we should do. After hearing everyone talk and my senior's comments, I made a few promises to myself. And I feel it's a not bad idea to actually listen to a straight forward comment.
The thing is I am not going to say anything here except maybe, JA YOU. As for the promises, no point saying it. When I really make them, i will indicate them here. i wan to be the best as i can as a person!! WO MEN DOU JIA YOU!!!! WE WILL SEE!!!!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
TKD competition 1^^
Today was the aprring competition!!! yesterday was the pattern competition!!! My team was really mast min but i m really glad we sychonised with each other still and i am really happy for my team!! But i am happier when the other sun jian team made it to 2nd round. BUT YOU KNOW WAD??? WE didn't get any medal. U KNOW WHY? because they look at the freaking stances and not teamwork!! you know, getting perfect stances is hard but it's freaking harder to coodinate with each other AND OUR TEAMS ARE EVEN FREAKING BETTER THAN THE OTHER TEAMS!!! dun care them man, they did their best and we are really pround of them.
TODAY, we had 3 medals and I WAN TO CONGRATULATE DEVESTER, KELI, Eileen and watsisname (sorry!!! I forgot). They have won bronze, silvers and one of them got gold. AND ALSO GOOD JOB TO SUN JUN and MIN YI!!! You have done your best and i have seen how much hard work you put in! JIA YOU!! next year i will try my hand in sparring and if can, i will get a medal^^
Tonight, wad's with listening to rock music and thinking about the competition. I got a very excited and determined feeling. Something that I rarely feel and probably lick my lips in a bizarre way^^. I shall call this feeling, "fighter's lust". The feeling of wanting to "sa" and attack. sooooo not mself, but that's what i am feeling now. I really want to win for sp^^ and myself.
I AM GOING TO WORK HARD FOR TKD! I WANT TO!!! AND FOR MY COURSE IN DID!!!! i feel like kicking ass now -.-.
TODAY, we had 3 medals and I WAN TO CONGRATULATE DEVESTER, KELI, Eileen and watsisname (sorry!!! I forgot). They have won bronze, silvers and one of them got gold. AND ALSO GOOD JOB TO SUN JUN and MIN YI!!! You have done your best and i have seen how much hard work you put in! JIA YOU!! next year i will try my hand in sparring and if can, i will get a medal^^
Tonight, wad's with listening to rock music and thinking about the competition. I got a very excited and determined feeling. Something that I rarely feel and probably lick my lips in a bizarre way^^. I shall call this feeling, "fighter's lust". The feeling of wanting to "sa" and attack. sooooo not mself, but that's what i am feeling now. I really want to win for sp^^ and myself.
I AM GOING TO WORK HARD FOR TKD! I WANT TO!!! AND FOR MY COURSE IN DID!!!! i feel like kicking ass now -.-.
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