Sunday, March 09, 2008


I finally went out with Chong Yun, Jack and Alvin today! Finally!!! i have been waiting for this day like forever. We had a great time today! he's not moody or sian or wadsoever. I really hope we can do this often. I miss them all so much. Especially going out with Chong Yun.

You know the sad thing is as time pass and as we walk different paths, we form our own lives. We have new friends and sometimes we do not think much about the old ones. That's including me. But to be honest, all of us need friends no matter what. We just want someone out there to accept us. And i really appreciate all the friends i have out there. I may have my own life but I must remember for those who are closest to me and those who are willing to go through thick and thin with me.

Anyway, we played pool and bowling today. I think my friends have noticed it, somehow I am better today. Maybe somehow i learn not to be so worked up and excited and just play like what play should be. I seem totally relaxed today. I wasn't nervous or anything but i guess i was just being myself. Sorry i seem so tired!! My fault! Shouldn't have slept late yesterday. But also I prefer to be calm today la. Being hyper is good but i just want to be myself today. really!

But today is quite a fun day and i m really happy^^!

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