Tuesday, April 01, 2008

outing at night

Hmmm... let's update for yesterday and today k? I went out wih madeleine, my first love =P. Hahaha.... oppsie=P. But yup, went with her out to the hairdressor to get my hair done. We had to wait like about 2-3 hours for my turn. Long right?

After that, went out with madeleine, Justin and Sherman for dinner. Each of the guys have their own cars so basically, madeleine sat with justin and I sat in Sherman's car. But before dinner, we had to wait for Justin in Kallang macdonalds, there went one hour until he comes. By that time, i think it's like 8:30 pm. Should be-.-... After that we went to Beach road to it. Sherman was like "huh?" first before he found the place. We had to follow justin's car.

The restaurant is not too bad^^! hmm... the food is quite good. It's quite old fashioned but that's wad make the mood^^! Anyway. after that i had to go home partly because my parents were way too anxious for their own good. ( If they are this panicky now at this hour, i wonder how panicky they will be if i EVER were to go clubbing). Oh well... all the parent's concern! (impatience impatience)

But yeah, madeleine was not feeling so good, so i was a little concerned for her. Good thing she reached home safely.(if not, Justin... you are going to get it from me BIG TIME). And i m really glad that she had fun before she came home^^!

I had to leave earlier and so by the time i reached home it's like 11pm. I wished mom would stop worrying. *tsk* sigh.. oh well! that's abt it for yesterday.

Today, i went out to west coast park with fiaz and alvin. They are fun to be around with. (duh! my bf is there!) But there are hiccups along the way. Oh well, today may not be my day, but i do enjoy our time tgt. But next time, i think i will go on a solo date, guess i miss that too much!

That's abt it. Sorry, no pics. No cam no pics^^!

mata ja! god bless!

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