went to mind's cafe^^! super fun^^! think we played abt 5- 6 games all tgt?O.o

hahaha^^! but it's super duper fun^^! we jumped, screamed, clapped and snatch. Ugly doll, Caution: very VERY violent^^! hahaha^^!
Had piano tuition, watched Tarzan 2 and had tkd^^! Tarzan 2 is really really cute^^! but it's a bit lame too -.-... hahaha^^! anyway, it's nice for anyone who loves cartoons like me^^! tkd was fun and tiring, had to do shadow sparring -.-... i jus got pretty much stoned as i ran round and round the circle. All we need is the mulberry bush^^! (i m being lame, nvm if u dun understand^^) Overall, it's quite fun la^^! i loooove some parts of the exercise^^! thennn yup. night time i heard special news^^! yippee^^! secret secret^^!
A super whooper fun day^^! went out with Pei Quan to the library because I want to check out some design magaxines. Then we went to Clarke Quay for lunch and explore the place^^! I want to go there at night!!! muahaha! ^^ then went back to the library to borrow some books and have dinner at IMM. And then head home^^! Wish i got pictures^^! some sceneries there are super yummy^^!
went to Madeleine's place for lunch^^! It's so much fun cooking tgt. It really helps with bonding^^! oh well, madeleine has been my bestie for how many years^^! She and sherie are practically my sisters^^! hahaha^^! too bad we didn't go swimming that day>.<... raiiiininnng... I want the three of us to meet up again!!! i miss the three musketeers!! oooh yeah, then went with my mom to the hair solon and I got myself a new dress^^! yippee^^!hahaha^^! that's only part of the dress^^! ain't gonna show all =P! sigh... my eyes are closed! y!?!

Hmmmm... oh yeaaaa! I brought a new pair of running shoessss^^! yippeee^^! hahaha^^! I looove it^^! the brand is called sarcony^^! not too bad^^! i prefer new balane though =P. oh well^^! First time navigating the map for my parent>.<. See how late a developer i am? >.<>
arrrgh... i hate the stupid blogger sometimes. Anyway can tell me how to separate the words from the pics? they seem to glue to each other no matter how i try to separate them!
Had tkd that night^^! super fun^^! really trained up on kicking and there was a really fun game^^! sth like poison ball^^!!
nth much^^! jus went running with pei quan at yishum stadium (fuuuun! run 6-7 rounds!!^^) and went to peek at the nationals tkd at yishun indoor stadium^^! hmmm, my friend participated on sunday! Hope she's doing all right!
went to church with Mom and darren. gonna miss darren when he goes to india! but i hope he's doing ok and jia you darren^^! I will always be behind you surpporting you^^!
Then went to have lunch with my family to celebrate mom's birthday^^! Had some yummilicious food^^! but before i can take the nice pictures, they were eaten T.T! hahaha^^! oh well, the chinese food was really good^^!
And then after that, i tried out cooking on my own^^! made fried rice^^! hahaha^^! it was not too bad^^1 my family liked it^^! next time can cook for people^^!

anyway, yup^^! that's abt it^^!
take care^^! god bless^^!