hahaha^^! yup^^! met Pei Quan at 11am at the Bukit Batok Mrt Station and then went on to SP FC4. Brought him some fried rice I made yesterday^^! Yay^^! glad that he really liked it^^! didn't know but I felt rather relieved that the rice went well with the scambled eggs i made for him this morning^^!
Introduced him the yummy french loaf at fc4^^! it's really yummy ok^^!
And then after that, we went on the the library to search for books. I can tell you honestly, finding those books is like treasure hunt. Somehow they got the gift to really hide -.-... hahaha^^! but we did found them in the end^^! Learned a little about games design today^^! ain't a easy one and also required a lot of teamwork^^! hmmm^^... ok la^^! but after explaining to Pei Quan about my course, I actually cleared some parts in my mind. And, I feel clearer over how to start my portfolio^^!
Then, we went to see a movie, "Open Season" in the media room upstairs^^! hahaha^^! love that show^^! Actually I have always loved cartoons^^! It's just about a bear and his friend, the deer adapting to the woods^^! whooper funny^^! But somehow, Pei Quan cried at some of the sadder parts of the movie O.o... hahaha^^! nvm^^! I love him just the way he is^^!
After that, we kind of have a surprise encounter with three of my friends. Alice was like RAHHHH over me O.O... hahaha^^! but really glad to see them^^! hahaha^^! I was really speechless after that^^! hahaha^^!
Then, Pei Quan accompanied me all the way to Bouna Vista^^! thank you^^! even though it takes you longer to go home, you do that to spend some time for me^^!
After that, I met up with Xuan Wen^^! My very close friend and senior from my Sec school^^! we went to Holland V. For gals who do not even have a sense of direction, it's quite miraculous to actually arrive there without getting lost^^! and the best part was that it was based on memory^^! Yup^^!
After thar, we walked a little while and then examined some perfume from Sasa! Found a really good perfume called "Deep Red" from Hugo boss^^! Smells really delieious^^! It smells like soda =P! I love it! hahaha^^! but of cuz, i still love my current perfume! It's called "Aztique" from body shop. Gives off a nice yummy fruity smll^^! hmmm.. somehow i jus got interested by pefumes and cologne^^! No thanks to someone! but it's really great! hahaha^^!

Aztique from body shop^^!
Yup^^! so anyway, that's abt it today^^! hahaha^^! must jia you this hols^^! really should work hard! Also, want to get to know pei quan better^^!yay^^!
Take care^^!
God bless^^!
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