and then we chill at vivo and eat ice cream!! but before that, we were jus relaxing at the rooftop by the water and watching the kids play. dinner was really yummy^^!! we had Mee Pok for dinner and then we sat outside to watch the sun. and he gave me a bottle with 10 messages inside^^!! hahaha! i made him a video.
3rd Oct:
Made Pasta for Kevin while he came to my house to teach me to play guitar =P
here's a photo of our guitars.
Hers & His

8th oct and 9th oct:
On 8th Oct I went to Pei Quan's house for the first time^^!!! Yippee! was doing my portfolio and while he was doing his. Anyway, he finished his portfolio before i completed mine! ha... ok! but i really enjoy that day. He cooked for me for the first time! it was... fired noodles! hahaha! but it's really yummy and the food was really huge!! O.O he stuffed me... -.-... rah!!
And then on (th Oct, we went printing our portfolio and clarified some stuff. hmmm... but i m really glad that we come to understand each other. It was all a misunderstanding -.-... ha.... but ok la^^! i am glad we resloved it.
Then we went to a park near by pei quan's place to explore. I notice a birdnest there^^!! ha.... things that u dun notice start to appear when you take it slow.
There's so many things that quan quan hadn't notice until then! then we played with the swings and playgrounds. hahaha! his slippers fell out. After that, i gained 4 packs.... from laughing.
10th Oct:
went to repair one of the string of my guitar, Eva... T.T... ha... one of the strings snapped. But anyways, good news is that we had it fixed at less than ten dollars and manage to borrow a DVD. Then we baked cookies at home!^^ yippee^^! but we burned them! cries. oh well, now we know. *never leave your oven to cook for you*
27th Oct:
My annuversary present to him! muahaha! blueberry cheesecae^^! he's really sweet! he made me a towel cake with apples on it^^! i really really love them^^!!

30th Oct:

Had a new haircut!! The hair cut's cool but i really didn't expect it to be chopped off! Pei Quan's new hair cut was really really cooool!! i love it! it makes him look more matured and even more suave.
too bad i was having fever! ha... i loathe (luv) being sick!
1st Nov
I had my piano exam. FINALLY!!! the LAST pian exam i will EVER take!! YESSSS!!! now i can become a piano teacher (soon). Anyway, Pei Quan went to pick me up and I watch him to have dinner. and yeah... i was caving for ice-cream really badly. And so, he let me have a strawberry popsicle from a korean shop!
and i think i literally became his teddy bear while i ate ice-cream -.-.
5th Nov:
Went to Jurong Library and Imm to have lunch and tok about the video project we had taken up on! Not bad! But it rained!!

10th Nov:
Had quite an awful morning. I stayed up to 4 am just to read one pathetic book i had no idea on. It was crazy ok? roar! and then i went to have breakfast with Pei Quan. Then went to play soccer with Pei quan^^!! it was like super duper fun.
yup, there's a lot of special moments. But i willrmb them in my heart and mind. If i were to write them down (in detail) be prepared to see a novel! ha... but ok la. ever since I am with Pei Quan, I notice I change a lot with him too. Perhaps, having a slightly better time management and know how to set my priorities right^^! ok! that's abt it (for now) I will update tmw^^!
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