It's the world of POCKY XD!!! dun i looooove pocky^^! and it was in Central, Clarke Quay!
Too bad, i m still under the diet of banning pocky. Sigh-.-....
Anyway, the reason why i was in Clarke Quay is because of the industrial design made by the NUS graduates. here are some pics^^!
Ok^^! after that i went for tkd^^! Had a really good workout^^! and also some muscle cramps
Overall, the day is quite fun and tiring^^!
And then on Sat, I went to Ford factory since there was free admission. It was how the factory was used by the Japanese during the Syonan period when that period was a hellhole to the Singaporeans. My mom told me that the japanese killed 4 of my great grand relatives and that's why my grandparents (mom's side) hate the Japanese.
It's kind of sad really, how they treat the locals =(. it's like they are not human at all but some creatures with no sense of humanity. It's just really sadistic. And i shall not talk about it. -.-
Anyway, I had to send my maid off to Indo. Actually, Supa was never like my maid, she's kind of like my elder sis whom i can share almost anything with. I am glad that she can see her family though. It's been so long, she really deserve it.^^ May she have a safe and sweet holiday and a safe jouney back here again^^.
And then, today, I have a NEW HANDPHONE^^! WHOOHOO^^! It's nokia and it's not too bad^^!
I was soooo happy^^! Ok, and also... we had coffee in Plaza Singapura, at Cafe Cartel. I had expresso. I think it's called oreo caramel espresso. It's sooo not my type of coffee... too concentrated>.<. I think i love Affogato the best.

And also, since there's no maid, who do the housework? My family!!! that's right^^! and the work that's left to the most is my mom and me-.-. ooooh welll^^! good thing is that i will lose weight. So i watered the platns today, hanged the clothes, help cook dinner and then clean my room and help iron and fold the clothes. Tmw, have to wake up early to sweep the floor. Yes, i do house chores and this is NOT the first time.. so i guess i have not really feel that bad really. Jus different i guess^^!
Anyway, that's abt it^^!
God bless^^!
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