Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2nd day of internship

I had fun for the past 2 days. I actually worked in a cardio section where I get to learn the methods and ways to get people to mobilize themselves in bed and how to make them feel better.

I also had to see gross stuff like phlegm and poop. >.<

But anyway, I find that I am not as emotional as last time where I will weep each time I see a patient. Right now, it is to do what I can and what procedure that I have to undertake.

I also found the many challenges into entering into physiotherapy. I have to lern chemistry and maths and science T.T. And also, the difficulty into entering physiotherapy in Nanyang Polytechnic. >.<

But never mind, I need to find ways NOW!! so that will be my clutter for next week. RAHHH!! will be pushing hard to find!

Tmw I will be in cardio (chest) section again and thurs and fri will be in auto (bones) section. =D Cannot wait! FUN!


God bless!

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