Saturday, August 08, 2015

2015 - the year of love (self love at least)

Well, I can certainly say this year is its fill of ups and down. But despite all my trauma from my past and the root reasons of certain conclusions in my life (aka failures), I will say I am blessed to be given love and be surrounded by the right people who have helped me to my recovery of self spiritually and emotionally.

 I can't really share much about my personal life in detail online, but I can only give this bit of advice: When you search within yourself and accept all flaws as a potential to change and love all that is you, you will find wisdom. You will realize that negative things never last but can be a start to something better. As they say, one door might close, but another door will open. It just takes time to heal from the pain and little baby steps to travel before you can see that door. I hope that I can keep on walking and learning. I know that life will always humble me and I will rise up for the better. And I also know that now is called the present because this is the only time you can control, embrace it, enjoy it and live it. Because every minute counts.

Do not let what people do or say to you define you. They are probably struggling inside as well but your journey is yours and yours only. Their problems are not yours to solve and it is theirs to learn from as much as your problems are lessons only you can learn. Trust in your heart and gut. If they are telling you something, it is a good time to listen because they are the true you and they are intuitive. It doesn't means to act re-actively, but to listen. If it is something that is bad, understand that you are human and you are bound to have flaws. But you can learn from these flaws, by replacing them with something positive. Negative things gives an opportunity for positivity. It is from there, we can learn to have self love and have a better understanding of ourselves. I hope I can maintain a life-long learning and keep a open mind.

 I have learned unconditional love from our dear father and Mary above and couldn't be more grateful to Jesus who have suffered for us. That god has love us no matter what our decisions are and the rules he has set up for us is for our own good. I am blessed. It is pretty me me me me in this blog, but that is what it is about, recounting our experience. I am myself today and glad that god preserve that little girl inside me with so much love. I am blessed that I am able to learn to embrace her too and tell her the worse time of her being alone is over, because I am here now to walk with her, to love her unconditionally and understand my own humanity.

 I am blessed to be given resources and being able to afford them so that I can walk more freely, embrace my own journey and face everyday with a different mindset. I hope I can maintain my positivity for life and I think I will. I believe I will. So even when bad times hit me, the little good things will save me and then embracing the change for something better to come.

 For any of you who is reading this, I am just a normal girl. My achievements are not much but I am no better or worse than the most successful person in the world. We are just all different with different walkways of life. I hope that this post can give you hope that just because right now, there is no proof of how much you have done, it will show eventually as you keep working on the things you wish to do. You will learn from your failures, and then you will learn how to improve and you might even enjoy the journey. The highpoint might be for a moment but your footprints last forever in you. So to myself and anyone (who actually reads this blog), don't stop dreaming, don't stop living, have faith in the future and maybe one day it will make sense and might be your shining moment.

 This is one resource that have helped me tremendously, and if you are interested,

 Love, me =)

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